As home care business owners, we all operate on systems that we’ve so eloquently built in order to achieve proper care for our clients. Once we’ve mastered those systems and our care units are running efficiently and effectively, we naturally start to think about how to scale to the next level. In this series, we explore the key components to scaling your home care business while maintaining the highest quality care, optimal efficiency, and meeting your financial goals.
First, a reminder. The care of your clients always comes first. As operators of home care agencies, of course, our first and primary identity is that of a high-quality home care provider. But if you dig a little deeper, you will find that your agency already has an identity unique all unto itself. Finding it, claiming it, and embracing it can help you scale your business to the next level.
Today, we focus on the importance of knowing your identity and embracing it. How do you describe your agency? What do you do well? What would current and former clients say about you? Every company has its culture and personality, and areas of strengths and weaknesses, just as we discussed in ourselves. Maybe you attract the industry’s top veterans, packing a huge punch of experience on every visit. Or maybe you offer special programming- a creative avenue for your clients to access their hobbies during visits that they dearly appreciate. What makes your agency unique?
How Can We Discover Our Identity?
We are glad you asked. One important tool can be a survey of current and former clients and their families. Go beyond rating the agency from 1 to 10. Include questions such as “What does/ did your care with us mean to you/ your family?”
Amazing responses often flow if only we ask. You may find that you’ve just tapped the surface of the wellspring of feedback, which may warrant phone calls and personal emails to further wrap your head around why your clients choose you and what makes you unique. While many opt out, those to respond tend to be the most passionate in some aspect and eager to tell you about their thoughts. Treat their feedback like gold.
Ask your caregivers the same. Why are they here? What keeps them excited to provide care with us?
The wealth of information you will receive, augmented by your own assessment of your unique identity, can transform the way you think of your business. Perhaps you didn’t realize that clients and caregivers thought of you as the “high-tech” home care agency because you’ve implemented some fresh software systems that improved efficiency and in the process, wowed your community.
When you have an identity to name and claim, embrace it! Use this new perspective in your marketing collateral, on your website as keywords for SEO, and in your discussions with families who inquire about your services. Build on what is working, what is innate, and what differentiates you.
We will say it today, and over this series: there’s nothing easy about growth. You’re not alone if it feels challenging. But if you establish early on that you have a special, unique identity, and you embrace it, you have laid a critical foundation for growth.